Energy Auditing
Energy costs are increasing day by day and is a major factor for the profitability of business. Any energy saving opportunity small or big results in increased profitability. Energy audit can identify immediate No cost or Low cost investment and savings.
Our energy audit include
- A detailed billing assessment to identify options to reduce energy cost
-  A detailed billing assessment to identify options to reduce energy cost
- Verification of where & how the energy is being used and where the losses are
- Identifying options to reduce energy usage and losses/li>
- Identifying Immediate No cost or Low cost energy saving opportunities
- Suggesting and implementing identified retrofitting options for energy savings
- Power Quality Monitoring
Training on Energy Savings
To save energy, contribution from each and every person is required. This training program is designed to help and educate those who work in the organisation on practices for energy savings. Attendees will be able to support the implementation of energy saving opportunities. Attendees will learn basic energy saving concepts, simple payback fundamentals, energy measurements etc.
Major areas covered under this Training programme
- Energy and Billing fundamentals
- Basics of Auditing
- Energy Saving Concepts
- Training the employees for implementing the identified energy saving opportunities
- Make them aware about importance of energy saving
Energy Monitoring Services
"You Cannot Manage What You Don't Measure"
24/7 Monitoring of Energy parameters from anywhere in the world through web, Mobile, Tablets etc.
It is an useful information for eliminating energy waste, reducing & controlling current level of energy usage. Provision for SMS , email alerts for deviations from defined set values. Manage your energy consumption rather than accept it as a fixed cost. Huge savings opportunities can be identified once the monitoring of energy usage is started
Real Time Monitoring and recording of energy parametersEnergy parameters can be monitored on real time basis from anywhere through web, mobile, Tablets etc.
Dash board for reporting
Reports can be generated on line for the required parameters, required periods (daily, hourly, weekly, monthly etc) and down loaded in excel, .pdf formats. Production and other activities can be compared with energy usage to identify the wastage.
Be alerted to problems early
We will help you in data analysis and can suggest measures to reduce the usage.
In the absence of any monitoring penalties are levied on the bill. Corrective actions are initiated only after penalty is levied.
Web accessible 24/7
Our SMS, email facility start sending emails, SMS in case of any deviation from the pre- defined values. Hence corrective actions can be taken early, penalties avoided and losses are reduced.
Data is available worldwide 24/7 on web, mobile, tablet etc. Requirement of manpower for obtaining information is reduced. You can be relaxed even when you are not at your business location. Everything is available at your finger tips.
Establishing energy consumption pattern for hourly, daily, weekly, monthly etc.
Monitoring helps in reducing the breakdowns there by increasing the productivity and profitability. We have our dedicated reliable servers in US and India with 99.99% uptime.
Your data is regularly backed up in dedicated servers and you can down load and analyse the data for any period of your choice. This will help you in establishing energy consumption base line parameters.
Increase in savings and profitability
Monitoring wastage of energy and break downs will help in identifying energy saving opportunities.
Control what you use
Since you are monitoring the usage you can control the usage and identify the wastage easily. Also one can identify the usage and down time of equipments, machineries etc
Monitoring & targetting
Monitoring helps to identify main energy usage areas. So targets can be given to different departments, personnel to reduce energy and same can be monitored on line and through dash boards
Sub metering and prepaid metering
You can monitor the usage of your tenants energy usage. You can set the charges including rentals and electric supply will be disconnected once the rentals, maintenance charges are not paid.
Utility Consultancy
We design and manufacture electrical control panels, Automatic Power factor control panels, Auto Transformers, Voltage Stabilizers, LT automatic Voltage Steabilizer, HT automatic Voltage Steabilizer, Servo Controlled Voltage Steabilizer, Oil cooled Servo Steabilizers, Battery Chargers
Consumer Grievances are never properly attended by Utilities. We are here to help you . If you have any grievances we can represent your cases with different authorities (IGRF, CGRF, Ombudsman etc.)
Information Technology Solutions
We offer innovative information technology solutions for your business.
Mobile application development